First Marketing Step You Should Take As A Business Owner

October 04, 2017

Are you planning to get your new business on track or you have already started the journey and facing some challenges with your marketing strategies? It is not too late to rewrite the story and get back on the right track. No matter which kind of business you are running, these strategies are going to prove useful to you.


Before we get started, there are two important things you should know.
And if you're like most business owners, you only know one of them.
First, you need to know what you're selling. This is where most people start. They have a very great and mind-blowing idea that can prove to be the next big thing. They can't wait to get started.
But they often forget about second and the most important part which is your customer.
Do you know who your ideal customer is? I've asked lots of business owner this particular question and often the answer is something like, "Everyone that needs X"
That's not good enough.
To put together a killer marketing strategy, you need to know who your target customer is. Of that "everyone" who wants your product, what does the average customer look like?
If you know this, let's continue. If not, you have to figure it out right now.
Marketing is the wheel of every business and a good marketing strategy is key to achieve the business goal.
After identifying who is likely to buy from you, then you can start looking for tactical ways to reach your potential customers and then build a relationship with them.
I have broken the whole process into three stages which are
  • Attract stage
  • Nurturing stage
  • Sales stage

Attract Stage

This is the stage where you will have to catch the attention of whosoever you think could be your potential customer. Now they are still very new to you and they hardly know what you do. In this stage, you have to impress them and catch their attention. The most important medium used in the attract stage is the social media.
Have you ever followed a page on Facebook just because you like their post you just stumbled on? Oh yea, that is exactly what I mean. Now it is your turn to do so, share what you think might interest the group of people you have identified as your target audience. Right now you shouldn’t think about the sales all your attention should be focused on building your audience.
OK, let’s move into the second stage which is the
Nurture stage

Is it time to sell? Not yet don’t be eager to sell instead let’s build upon the existing relationship and here we will push them a little forward towards making a purchase.
This is the time you have to start telling them about the problem your product solves, show them how to use your product. Now, they have to be familiar with your product.
I will preferably use my content marketing skills to enhance my nurturing stage, writing creative and problem-solving blog post could foster a stronger relationship between you and your audience. Ask for their emails by telling them to subscribe to your blog, and then you can also offer them a free trial of your product.
The sales Stage

That is our goal, you have to make it happen here. You have successfully built the trust and relationship, now it’s time to send them to the sales stage.
If you are already sending them emails about how your products and services work, now you may decide to include links to your sales page. Tell them to buy your product, you may also want to include a discount on their first purchase. You might actually want to send an email that promises them 10% off if they make a purchase within a stipulated time.
The most important and delicate stage is the attract stage, because if you get it wrong from the very first stage then am afraid the other stages will also not prove successful. Not all your audience will make it into the nurturing stage and sales stage, but the chances are high if you have gotten the first stage right.

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