Introduction To Content Marketing

October 11, 2017

According to CMI 93% of B2B Marketers uses content marketing.

 Neil Patel of Quicksprout said this large number might be due to the fact that it’s much easier to communicate with a new audience by creating and giving away quality content, rather than just asking them to buy your product. It may also be caused by the typically longer sales cycles in B2B.

He also said Great content builds trust over time and keeps prospects close to you. And trust comes before the sale.


According to marketo, Content marketing is defined as the process of creating high-quality, valuable content to attract, inform, and engage an audience, while also promoting your brand.

My opinion about content marketing is not so far from that as I define Content marketing as the creation of valuable contents consistently to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and definitely turn them to your customers.

Keywords in the definition

Valuable - extremely useful or important pieces of information which readers will tend to share. When you share contents that are emotionally appealing to your audience it engages them and it’s definitely adding value to them.

Consistently - You don’t have to get off the pace. Consistency is the only way you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. When you are consistent with your contents, people tend to count on you for information and trust you.

Attract- your contents must have the ability to attract, not just contents that suck. Any form of content you want to use, just make it as engaging as possible.

Retain - Since you will be producing contents consistently, you have to maintain your quality, one bad content can destroy the long-term relationship you have been building with your customers.

Clearly defined audience - This is key. Your audiences are your potential customers, know them and know what they want.

Customer - someone who buys goods or services from a business. This is the goal of every marketer.

Content marketing is a marketing strategy and the sole aim of a content marketer like other marketers is to sell a product or service but it is done in a unique way which is by delivery contents that add value to the audience as a bait, unlike other marketing strategies that just go directly pitching products and services.

For example, Google Adwords ads for a company that repairs smartphones. This is merely an advert, it is adding no value to the customers. In AdWords, you have a few lines to explain what your product does.

Google Adwords ads for a company that repairs smartphones

A content marketer should focus on adding value to the customers.

This is also a phone repair company sharing with their audience a video on how to replace a phone screen.

This is a good example of content marketing. This video tutorial has racked up over 118,000 views, and the truth is that over 90% of people viewing the video cannot be able to fix their screen even after watching the video.

The video tutorial is actually giving the audience an impression that the Company is an expert in their industry.

And then finally they were able to get leads from their content, as you can see in the comment area that people are already requesting for their service.

comments requesting for their service

If you write a good content then you are already portraying yourself as an expert in that field, so readers now actually believe you know their problem, so after that, you can now introduce your own product which is a solution to their problem.

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