Are Nice Customers Ruining Your Business

February 18, 2019

I'm a nice customer. You all know me. I'm the one who never complains, no matter what kind of service I get.
I will go to the restaurant and sit quietly while the waiter and waitress gossip and never bother to ask if anyone has to get my order, but I don't complain. I just wait.

And when I go to a store to buy something, I don't throw my weight around. I try to be thoughtful of the other  person. If a snooty salesperson gets upset because I want to look at several things before making up my mind, I'm just as polite as I can be. I don't believe rudeness in return is the answer.

The other day I stopped at a gas station and waited for almost five minutes before the attendant took care of me, and when he did, he spilled the gas and wiped the windshield with an oily rag. But did I complain about the service? Of course not.

I never kick, I never nag. I never criticize. And I wouldn't dream of making a scene  as I've seen people do in public places. I think that's uncalled for. No, I'm the nice customer. And I will tell you who else I am.

I'm the customer who never comes back!
When I get pushed too far, I just take my business down the street to places where they are smart enough to hire and train people who appreciate customers. And the World is filled with nice customers just like me, who can put anyone our of business.

I laugh when I see you frantically spending your money on expensive Advertising to get me back, when you could have kept me with a few kind words, a smile, and some good service.

I don't care what business you are in. Maybe you live in a different town; maybe I have never heard of you. But if you are going broke or your business is bad, maybe there are enough people like me who do know you. I'm your customer who never comes back.

excerpt from "How To Win Customers And Keep Them For Life"

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